your creative and digital partner in

Ciaooo Pizzeria

Challenge: This pizzeria is one of the best in Brussels. Started with a small budget and home made branding, while growing they needed a whole rebrand and better tools. Solution: A nice and modern logo was inspired by the wooden fired oven and it’s way to put the pizza inside. All the printed material follows […]

MOL Group

MOL Group is a big oil and gas corporation and every year the Annual Brussels Meeting needs graphic design for the event. We prepare the newsletters, the posters, the menu leaflets, the bags for the goodies and all the material needed for the beautiful event taking place.


From the Company ID Made to the product Curvik we managed all the creative aspects. We first designed new logos for both the Company and the product. The branding lays on simplicity and minimalism just like the concept of the furniture. Then we created a very straight forward e-commerce website. Wi ditched all complication to […]


EMVO stands for “European Medicine Verification Organization” and their work is securing the European Pharmaceutical Market. We got in charge to develop all the collaterals following the guidelines, we managed all the printing process and we created a whole new “complex” website for them. Design was the key for a successful use of the published […]


GIRP stands for “Groupement Internationale de la Répartition Pharmaceutique”. It’s the European Healthcare Distribution Association, the umbrella organisation for full-service healthcare distributors in Europe. We got in charge of the logo redesign, to create new stationary designs and imagine a whole new informative website. We were also in charge to design all the events collaterals for a […]


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Brigit Art Gallery

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacinia risus metus, at viverra turpis egestas non. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum ullamcorper metus nec aliquam pellentesque. Nullam vulputate varius eros vitae facilisis. Ut quis gravida magna.